Workshop - AI in Production

Workshop held at KI 2024 - 47th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Würzburg. Hosted by @HTWD.


Our workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from the fields of AI and/or production investigating, developing, or exploring AI techniques in production. We aim to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences under the general topic of ‘AI in Production’, not specializing in certain fields of production nor AI but explicitly including production planning, control and optimization. Ideally, our workshop will enable us to standardize approaches for supporting production applying AI or to transfer these approaches from one area of application in production to another. Thus, the Workshop is not only intended for experts in artificial intelligence (in production), but explicitly also for professionals from production.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to applications of AI in production to:

CFP Contributions: Important Dates

We will accept three kinds of papers. Full Paper with 10 Pages, Short Paper with 5 Pages, and Demo paper with 4 Pages, including references. All accepted papers should be written in Springer LNCS Style and will be issued as Proceedings or special issue. All papers have to be submitted by easychair link.

Further Details

The workshop is planned to be a single-track \textbf{one-day} event. It comprises two invited talks, approximately eight technical talks and the according discussions (of current work based on paper presetations), one poster and demo session, and one general discussion.

Time Content
08:45 to 09:00 Welcome
09:00 to 09:45 Dirk Reichelt - Keynote
09:45 to 10:00 Coffee Break I
10:00 to 12:00 Technical talks I
12:00 to 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 to 14:15 José Luiz Bittencourt - Keynote II
14:15 to 15:15 Poster and Demo Session
15:15 to 15:30 Coffee Break II
15:30 to 17:00 Technical Talks II
17:00 to 17:30 General Discussion